Welcome to 

Lewes House of Friendship 

Lewes House of Friendship 

Lewes House of Friendship is based at 208 High Street, Lewes (next to Flint Owl Bakery). We provide a range of activities of interest to older members of the local community and a place where you can meet for companionship and to make new friends - we also offer teas, coffees and a hot lunch.

Opening Times  

Latest News

All hot drinks here are £2  - coffee, tea or hot chocolate and we are offering tea/coffee and  toast for £3.00, from 10 am to 11.45 am


A reminder to existing members that the annual  Membership Fee is now due: still £15 for one or £25 for a couple 

Existing members are asked to bring their membership card for updating when they come in to pay for 2024. Thank you.

Volunteers Needed!

Could you spare around an hour over lunchtime one day per week, to help us deliver hot lunches to our members? 

If you are a car owner and you're interested in helping, we'd love to hear from you. Please email us, call us on 01273 476469 or visit us between 10am and 12 noon on weekdays.